The Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Cathedral is a local community of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey of the Orthodox Church in America and incorporated as “Saints Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church of Jersey City, New Jersey” a religious (not-for-profit) corporation in the State of New Jersey, on February 2, 1907.
The address of the Cathedral is 111-113 Grand Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302, and the Parish Office address is 109 Grand Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302.
The Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Cathedral shall be referred to as the Parish.
1. The Parish is the local manifestation and ecclesial body of The Orthodox Church in America consisting of the geographical territory defined by the Holy Synod of Bishops of The Orthodox Church in America as constituting the Diocese of New York and New Jersey.
2. The Parish is a not-for-profit corporation chartered under the laws of the State of New Jersey and the United States of America with 501c3 status.
3. The Parish is governed by the canons and established discipline of the Orthodox Church, the Statute of The Orthodox Church in America as approved by the Thirteenth All-American Council and affirmed by the Holy Synod of Bishops on November 1, 2015, and the Bylaws of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey approved December 1, 2012.
4. The Parish is the sole owner of all Parish property, assets, and funds. In administering them, however, the Parishioners and the officers elected by them must always remember the religious nature, purposes, and goals of the Parish and function as trustees of that which is entrusted to their stewardship. The Parish, with the whole Cathedral, serves Christ and continues His work in the world, and all decisions concerning Parish property must be inspired by that care and by the spiritual needs of the Cathedral.
5. The Parish is constituted by the Priest and the Parishioners.
1. The Priest, who is canonically ordained and appointed by the diocesan bishop, administers the Parish.
2. The Priest is the spiritual father and teacher of his flock and the celebrant of the liturgical worship as established by the Cathedral. He teaches and edifies the faithful entrusted to his spiritual care and assures that all activities within the Parish serve the mission of the Cathedral. No activities in the Parish can be initiated without his knowledge, approval, and blessing; neither should he do anything pertaining to the Parish without the knowledge of the duly elected Parish Council, so that always and everywhere there may be unity, mutual trust, cooperation, and love.
3. The Priest shall be appointed by the bishop and compensated by the Parish with an amount determined by the Parish Council and the Bishop. The Clergy Compensation Guidelines established by the Orthodox Church in America list the financial package. The Priest shall be subject to annual increase based on performance and budgetary capacity. The Priest shall receive annual a cost-of-living raise. Vacation time is based on years of Priesthood as is stated in Bylaws of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey. A furnished rectory shall be provided for the Priest at 109 Grand Street, Jersey City, and utilities shall be provided by the Parish.
4. The Priest in conformity with his teaching office shall have final authority over the Cathedral school and worship.
5. The Priest shall have the option to disagree with any decisions of the Parish Council or the Parish Assembly. His disagreement and motivated opinion must be recorded in the minutes and the matter submitted to the Bishop. Parish officers may state their motivated opinions in writing, first to the District Dean, who shall relay them to the Bishop.
1. A Parishioner, who by virtue of Baptism and Chrismation, is of the Body of Christ, and strives to live in accordance with the high calling as an Orthodox Christian. No one can be a Parishioner who is openly opposed to, betrays, or lives in a manner contrary to the teaching of the Orthodox Church, or who leads a life or acts in a manner condemned by the Holy Canons as incompatible with Orthodox Christian teachings.
2. A Parishioner, who is at least 18 years of age, who receives the Sacrament of Confession at least once a year in his home Parish or, with the permission of the Parish Priest, elsewhere; who receives Holy Communion at least once a year in his home Parish; who is present at the services; has belonged to the Parish for a period of one year; and regularly fulfills such financial obligations as may be established by the All-American Councils, Diocesan Assemblies, and Parish; is afforded the privilege of voting at Parish Assemblies. The final determination of who qualifies as a Parish member, for the purposes both privilege to vote at Parish Assemblies and of inclusion in the Parish census required by shall be made by the Parish Rector, in consultation with any Parish Council members with whom he may need to consult.
1. The Director of Music under the supervision of the Priest shall be responsible all services and for directing, rehearsing, and teaching the Parish Choir.
2. The Director of Music shall receive compensation as determined by the Parish Assembly.
3. The Director of Music shall maintain and develop the Parish Choir Library of Music.
4. The Director of Music shall conduct his office for various needs, such as: baptisms, wedding, burials, etc. He shall be compensated for these from the stipend given.
5. The Director of Music shall be entitled to vacation as established by the Parish Assembly.
1. The Annual Parish Assembly shall be held on a Sunday at the Cathedral the date and time shall be determined by the Priest and the Parish Council.
2. The Assembly shall be announced in Cathedral and posted in the parish bulletin at least three consecutive Sundays prior to the Assembly.
3. The Annual Parish Assembly shall receive written reports of the Priest, administrative officers, and others as necessary; shall conduct all administrative business of the Parish; shall approve budgets; shall elect a Lay Delegate to the Diocesan Assembly and a delegate to the All-American Council; and elect the officers of the Parish.
4. A Special Assembly may be called by decision of the Priest and the Parish Council. The business shall be confined to one topic. The Assembly shall be announced at least three consecutive Sundays.
5. The Assemblies shall consist of the Priest and Parishioners in good standing as defined previously.
6. The Priest shall preside at the Annual and Special Assemblies.
7. Attendance shall be recorded by the secretary.
8. A quorum shall consist of one-third of the Parishioners.
9. The order of business for the Parish Assembly shall be as follows:
a. Opening Prayer
b. Establishment of a Quorum
c. Approval of Previous Minutes
d. Report of the Parish Priest
e. Report of Parish Finances
f. Report of the Auditor
g. Approval of Budget
h. Election of the Parish Council
i. New Business
j. Old Business
k. Motion to Close
l. Closing Prayer
1. The Parish Council shall be elected at the Annual Parish Assembly to assist the Parish Priest in the administration of the Parish and to execute the decisions of the Parish Assembly.
2. The Parish Council shall after their election by the Parish Assembly and the approval by the Bishop be installed by the Parish Priest, making a solemn commitment to uphold their office for the well-being of the Cathedral.
3. The Parish Council shall partake of Holy Confession and Holy Communion in conjunction with the administering of Oath of Service.
4. The Parish Council shall consist of the Parish Priest and at least 6 parishioners.
5. The Parish Council shall be convened regularly at the Parish at a time established by the Parish Priest and the Parish Council.
6. The Priest presides at the Parish Council Meeting.
7. The Parish Council Minutes shall be signed by the Rector and the Parish Council Secretary of the Parish.
8. The Parish Council expenditures shall not exceed ten thousand dollars on any item, renovation, or improvement of Cathedral property. Exceptions include emergency situations.
9. The Parish Council shall be responsible not only for the spiritual and material needs of the Parish, but also for the encouragement of others to participate in the life and mission of the Parish, the Diocese, and the Orthodox Church in America, and thus to manifest the unity of the Body of Christ.
a. The Parish Priest
b. The Warden, who shall assist the Parish Priest.
c. The Treasurer shall tabulate and record offerings and financial gifts to the Parish and provide written reports to the Parish Council and to the Annual Assembly.
d. The Secretary shall record and maintain minutes of the Annual and Special Assemblies, and the Parish Council Meetings.
The Parish Priest and the Parish Council shall establish operational procedures for tabulation of offerings, deposits, withdrawals, transfers, signatures on checks and accounts, and other administrative procedures.
The non-Administrative Council Persons shall assist at the Divine Services; receive and assist in tabulation of the offerings; maintain order within the Cathedral and parish hall.
All decisions of the Annual and Special Parish Assemblies are in effect only after approval and confirmation by the Bishop. Minutes of the Assemblies must be mailed to the Bishop within 30 days of the Assembly.
All decisions of the Annual and Special Parish Assemblies are in effect only after approval and confirmation by the Bishop. Minutes of the Assemblies must be mailed to the Bishop within 30 days of the Assembly.
Voting at an Assembly and Parish Council Meeting shall be taken by voice, by ballot, or any other method authorized by the Assembly or the Parish Council Meeting
An audit of financial records shall be done by a CPA, or a qualified non-Parish Council parishioner, who is elected by the Parish Assembly. An annual audit is done and presented at the Annual Parish Assembly.
1. Amendments to these Bylaws shall be proposed in writing to be reviewed by the Parish Council. The Priest and the Parish Council shall set the date for the Annual or Special Parish Assembly to consider the amendments.
2. The text of any proposed changes, amendments, or additions to the Parish Bylaws must be mailed to all Parishioners for distribution to the membership at least thirty days before the Assembly.
3. The Bylaws may be amended by decision of the Annual Parish Assembly or Special Parish Assembly as far as they do not conflict with the laws of the State of New Jersey.
4. A proposed amendment must be voted on at the Annual Parish Assembly or Special Parish Assembly at which it is presented if two-thirds of voting members are present.
The parish cemetery is a section of Graceland Cemetery, Kenilworth, New Jersey. Graves are purchased through the parish office for a fee established by the parish assembly. The Graceland Cemetery Corporation charges a grave opening fee payable to them.
The Cathedral Parking located at 101 Grand Street, Jersey City, New Jersey is under the management of the Parish Council.
In the event of apostasy from the Orthodox Faith, schism, or defection of a Parish from the canonical jurisdiction of The Orthodox Church in America, the Bishop, in consultation with the Diocesan Council, shall have the power to declare the Parish in canonical disorder and shall immediately assume the administration and control of its properties and funds, or delegate such administration and control to the District Dean, until the Bishop, in consultation with the Diocesan Council, declares the Parish to be in canonical order. If this does not occur, the Bishop may declare the Parish to be dissolved and canonically suppressed. This decision may be appealed by the Parish to the Holy Synod, which has final jurisdiction in all matters of canonical order. If a group in a Parish decides to withdraw from the jurisdiction of The Orthodox Church in America, that segment of the Parish which remains loyal to the jurisdiction of The Orthodox Church in America shall retain full title to all the Parish assets and property.
1. When it is determined by the Bishop or by the Parish Council that the Parish is incapable of sustaining itself and/or wishes to be dissolved, an Annual or Special Parish Assembly shall be called in accordance with the terms of the Parish Bylaws. If three-fourths of the existing members present and in good standing vote in favor of such dissolution or if a Parish has been disbanded and a Parish Assembly cannot be called, the Bishop may declare said Parish dissolved.
2. In the case of a Declaration of Dissolution of the Parish by the Bishop, all Parish property, real and personal, shall devolve to the Diocese and shall be subject to appropriate disposition as the Bishop sees fit (unless otherwise legally pre-determined by Parish Bylaws). All sacred items, including the Holy Antimension, the Tabernacle, the Holy Icons, and the Sacred Vessels, must be immediately surrendered to the Bishop or to the Dean of the New Jersey Deanery.
3. Anything to the contrary notwithstanding, the canonical provisions of this Section cannot be amended, altered, changed, or modified.
Submitted to the Diocesan Archbishop on November 10, 2019, Approved and Blessed by His Eminence on December 30, 2019